- Official website of the Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal district: http://pfo.gov.ru
- The official website of the Governor of the Saratov region: http://governor.saratov.gov.ru/
- The Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation: http://www.minzdravsoc.ru/
- The territorial Fund of obligatory medical insurance of the Saratov region: http://www.sartfoms.ru/
- Official website of the Ministry of health of the Saratov region: http://www.minzdrav.saratov.gov.ru/
- Website of the Government of the Saratov region: http://www.saratov.gov.ru/
- Maximum allowable prices for vital and essential drugs in drugstores of Saratov region: http://www.ros-med.info/regions/
- The portal of state services of the Russian Federation: http://www.gosuslugi.ru/
- Portal of state and municipal services of the Saratov region: http://pgu.saratov.gov.ru/
- The Federal service for supervision in the sphere of health and social development: http://www.roszdravnadzor.ru/
- The CPS: http://rospotrebnadzor.ru/
- Insurance medical organizations of the Saratov region: http://www.sartfoms.ru/spravka/smo.htm